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Jean-Marc Caimi and Valentina Piccinni have been collaborating since 2013 on documentary and personal photography projects. Their focus centers on contemporary subjects, with a particular emphasis on the human dimensions of each narrative. Their works have gained global recognition and are regularly featured in press and media outlets including The Guardian, Die Zeit, Financial Times, Geo, Der Spiegel, Politico, Le Monde, Libération, Vogue, L’Espresso, Internazionale, Wired, GQ, Newsweek, The Sunday Times, The Atlantic, and numerous others.


The duo has earned several awards, such as the 2023 Revela’t Prize, the 2021 Planches Contact+Photo4Food, the ISPA Award for best photo story, The Sistema Festival “Reset” Award, the 2020 PHmuseum Of Humanity Grant in the solo show category, the 2019 Sony World Photography Award in the category “Discovery”, the 2018 Istanbul Photo Book Award, and the 2016 Gomma Grant for best B&W documentary work.

> Exhibitions



CATHÉDRALE - La Chambre Gallery - Strasbourg | France

RHOME - Phest International festival of art and photography - Monopoli | Italy

'NZÌM - Phest International festival of art and photography - Monopli | Italy

FASTIDIOSA - Environmental photography festival "Horizonte Zingst"  - Zingst | Germany

UMANA NATURA - Revela’t Festival - Barcelona | Spain

FASTIDIOSA - "Fotodoks" festival for contemporary documentary photography - Munich | Germany

GÜLE GÜLE - Fotografia Europea - Reggio Emilia | Italy

THE FIGHTERS OF MAIDAN - Ultra//Clash photography festival - Prato | Italy

THE SOUND OF DUNES - Spazio Musa Gallery - Turin | Italy



FASTIDIOSA - Yeast Photo Festival - Matino | Italy

WAR DREAMS - Istituto Polacco di Roma & Interzone Gallery - Rome | Italy

LA SAPIENZA FOTOGRAFATA - MLAC Museo Laboratorio Arte Contemporane La Sapienza - Rome | Italy

THE SOUND OF DUNES - Spazio Musa - Torino | Italy

PRÉSENCE/ABSENCE - Interzone Gallery - Rome | Italy



GÜLE GÜLE - La Chambre Gallery - Strasbourg | France

EN PRÉSENCE DE L’ABSENCE -  Festival Planches Contact - Deauville | France

RHOME - Vizualizator Festival - Begrade | Serbia

THIS LAND IS MY LAND (Fastidiosa) - Festival della Fotografia Etica - Lodi | Italy

THIS LAND IS MY LAND (Fastidiosa) - Sì FEST - Savignano sul Rubicone | Italy

QUARANTEEN - Photo Brussels Festival - Hangar Photo Art Center - Brussels | Belgium

THIS LAND IS MY LAND (Fastidiosa) - IMP Festival - International Month Of Photojournalism - Padua | Italy

ISLAM RAMADAN - PEP Gallery - Berlin | Germany

UMANA NATURA - Il Forno Gallery - Città della Pieve | Italy



GÜLE GÜLE - Biennale Für Aktuelle Fotografie - Mannheim | Germany

GÜLE GÜLE - Photographic Museum of Humanity Lab - Bologna | Italy

GÜLE GÜLE - Bird In Flight Prize - Kyiv | Ukraine

RHOME - Unsocial Studio Gallery - Modena | Italy



GÜLE GÜLE - Sony WPO winner’s exhibition - Villa Reale di Monza | Italy

THE BURNING PLAIN - L’Artiere bookshop - Arles | France

RHOME - Offcine Fotografiche - Rome | Italy

GÜLE GÜLE - Sony World Photography Award Exhibition 2019 - Somerset House - London | UK

PASSAGGI | TRANSIZIONI | MICROCOSMI - f.project gallery -  Bari | Italy



RHOME - Voies Off screening nights - Arles | France

RHOME - Istanbul Photobook Awards (book dummy exhibition) - Istanbul | Turkey

LET ME IN - Fotofestival Lenzburg, "Im Wandel" -  Lenzburg | Switzerland



THIS LAND IS MY LAND - Phest Festa Internazionale della Fotografia - Monopoli | Italy

GALEAZZO - Nardini, Caimi & Piccinni - Interzone Gallery - Rome | Italy

THIS LAND IS MY LAND - Locus Festival - Locorotondo | Italy

LET ME IN  - Kunsthalle-Emden - Emden | Germany

THIS LAND IS MY LAND - "New Visions" Cortona On The Move - Cortona | Italy



LET ME IN - FOTOLEGGENDO Festival - Rome | Italy

TIME AND TENSE - Slideluck Rome III - Officine Fotografiche - Rome | Italy

FORCELLA - FOTOGRAFIA Festival - Galleria 001 - Rome | Italy

LET ME IN - Amnesty International - Scuola Barsanti - Pietrasanta | Italy



WAR DREAMS - Delhi Photo Festival - New Delhi | India

FORCELLA - Leboudoir2.0 - Voies Off - Arles | France

FORCELLA - Cascina Farsetti - Rome | Italy

FORCELLA - Slideluck Bologna - Spazio Labò - Bologna | Italy

DAILY BREAD - Galleria Interzone - Rome | Italy



DAILY BREAD - Reminders Photography Stronghold - Tokyo | Japan

THE WARRIORS OF MAIDAN - Galleri Vasli Souza - Malmo | Sweden

DAILY BREAD - Galleri Vasli Souza - Malmo | Sweden

THE FIGHTERS OF MAIDAN - Lumix Festival of Young Photojournalism - Hannover | Germany

DAILY BREAD/HUNGRY STILL - Format Gallery - Derby | UK

DAILY BREAD -  Festival Encontros da Imagem - Braga | Portugal



LIBYA AT THE CROSSROAD - Delhi Photo Festival - New Delhi | India

TRIPOLI CAFE’ - Photo Annual Award Final Wall Gallery Exhibition - Prague | Czech Republic


GREEK CRISIS - Photo Annual Award Final Wall Gallery Exhibition - Prague | Czech Republic


EXODUS: DISPLACED PEOPLE OF SOMALIA - Tavistock Clinic Gallery - London | UK


EXODUS: DISPLACED PEOPLE OF SOMALIA - Cascina Farsetti - Rome | Italy


URBAN TILES - Galerie Athéna - Paris | France


TRACK 1 - Biennale di Video e Fotografia - Alessandria | Italy





about us

Their works have been exhibited across Europe and Asia in galleries and festivals including the Biennale Für Aktuelle Fotografie, Delhi Photo Festival, Lumix Festival, Fotografia Europea, Phest, Fotodoks and Voies Off.


With a portfolio of six published books, their most recent releases include "Fastidiosa" (for the British publishher Overlapse) and "En Présence De L’Absence" (for the Éditions Bessard). They have previously published a trilogy on cities in transition, encompassing "Güle Güle" (André Frère Éditions) focusing on Istanbul, "Forcella" centered on Naples, and "RHOME", which was a finalist for the PHotoESPANA Best Photobook of the Year 2019. "Güle Güle" received a special mention at the Kassel Dummy Book Award 2019, was a finalist at Luma Rencontres Dummy Book Award in Arles, and was shortlisted for the Arles Author Book Award 2020 and Prix Nadar 2020.


> Awards



MUTANT Grant - Winners - “Rhome”

Revela’t Festival - Winners - “Umana Natura”

ISPA Italian Sustainability Photo Award - Photo Story Finalists - "Operation Sarno"



Prix 6Mois du photojournalisme - Finalists - “Ukraine 2013-2023”

Premio Ponchielli - Finalist - “No Woman No Cry”

PHMuseum Of Humanity - Finalist - “No Woman No Cry”



ISPA Italian Sustainability Photo Award - Photo Story Winners - “This Land Is My Land”

RESET - Sistema Festival - Winner - “This Land Is My Land”

Festival Planches Contact - Recipient of the residency Planches Contact/Photo4Food

Prix Maison Blanche - Selected Artist for the Projection Night - “Umana Natura”



PHMuseum Of Humanity - Winner “Solo Exhibition” Category - “Güle Güle”

Hangar Photo Art Center - PhotoBrussels - Winners Call for European photographers - “Quaranteen”

Prix 6Mois du photojournalisme - Finalists - “Girls who repair cars”

Bird In Flight - Finalist - “Güle Güle”

Arles Author Book Award - Finalist - “Güle Güle. André Frère Éditions”

Prix Nadar - Finalist - “Güle Güle. André Frère Éditions”



Sony World Photography Award - 1st Place Discovery Category - “Güle Güle”

Kassel Dummy Award - Special Mention - “Güle Güle”

LUMA Rencontres Dummy Book Award, Arles - Shortlisted - “Güle Güle”

PHotoESPANA Best Photobook of the Year - Shortlisted - “Rhome”

Premio Marco Bastianelli, Special Mention - Güle Güle”

Zine Tonic Photobook Award - Winners - “The Burning Plain”



Alfred Fried Photography Award - Finalists - "The Sound Of Refugees"

Warsaw Photo Days - Finalists, "Güle Güle"

Istanbul Photobook Festival - Winners, "Rhome"

Voies Off - Official selection - "Rhome"

Lenzburg Fotofestival - Winners - "Let Me In"



Gomma Grant - Best Black & White Documentary Story  - Winner -  "This Land Is My Land"



Delhi Photo Festival - Finalist - "War Dreams"

HM BOP Best  of Photojournalism - Portraits Category - "The Fighters of Maidan"

HM BOP Best of Photojournalism - Magazine Lifestyle Story - "Týždeň Magazine/Fighters of Maidan"

Oskar Barnak Award - shortlisted -  "Forcella"

Cortona on the move/Slideluck - Finalist - "Maidan: Backstage of a Revolution"

Athens Photo Festival - Photobook Exhibition - "Forcella"




LEICA PHOTOGRAPHERS AWARD  - 2° Place -  "Holy Days"

WPO Sony World Photography Awards - Shortlisted - "The Purgatory"



Delhi Photo Festival - Finalist - "Libya at the crossroad"

Photo Annual Award - Finalist - "Tripoli Café"


Photo Annual Award - Finalist - "Greek Crisis"


Biennale di Video e Fotografia di Alessandria -  1° place



> Books


Fastidiosa | Overlapse

En présence de l’absence | Éditions Bessard

Rhome - Catalogue | Unsocial Studio Editions

Güle Güle | André Frère Éditions

The Burning Plain | ZineTonic/L’Artiere editions

Rhome | MAS/Fuam publishing

Forcella | Witty Kiwi Books

Daily Bread | T&G Publishing

Same Tense | Witty Kiwi Books

Mono Vol. 2 | Gomma Books

Raw: the making of Daily Bread | Interzone Editions

Hungry Still | Akina Books

© 2023 Jean-Marc Caimi - Valentina Piccinni, photographs and other media • Contarini 15 00154 Rome Italy  • 0657287510 • caimipicinni(at)gmail.com